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WEEK 1 DQ_ Long Term Care Administration

WEEK 1 DQ_ Long Term Care Administration

Q Why We Are Here? Let us begin by exploring the “big picture” view of Long Term Care (LTC). Seventy percent of people 65 and over will need some form of LTC service during their lifetimes. Take some time to review these two sites listed in the class schedule: Genworth 2016 Cost of Care and 2016 Alzheimer's Association Facts and Figures. What are your initial impressions? Discuss why understanding LTC is an important aspect of healthcare leadership. Support your opinions with valid references.

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The websites suggested for this week are basically eye openers. No one can deny that there is a significant cost attached to growing old and so long term care must be planned early. The two website give necessary data, facts and figures which give us exact details of the cost estimate. I am simply stupefied by the huge cost which is a burden for the senior citizens in the country. The Genworth website gives an idea of the figures of the cost and maintenance that goes behind the long term care. The cost of medicines, personal caregivers, hospital necessities are gradually on the rise.